Fuji X-T30 - new beginnings

Having been a Canon DSLR shooter since 2007, a 40D whilst I learned,
2x 5Dii’s & a 5Diii during my semi-pro years, and throw in a 100D
replaced by a 200D as my small-light-weight travel camera… I really
thought I’d only ever progress with Canon. However with the release of
their new lens system (RF), I figured I was at somewhat of a crossroads
as if I was going to replace Canon for Canon, then I might also replace
Canon for something else…

I read in many places that Sony are
the mirrorless kings. Add to that I’m a massive Sony fan-boy in many
cases, Discmans, Minidiscs, Playstations and multi room speakers to name
a few… for some reason the camera system never pulled me in. When I
first saw the X-T30 in gun metal grey - an eyebrow perked up. Then I
read that it was smaller and way more capable than my 200D - I figred
I’d take the plunge - that way I only committed to swithcing my
relatively small EF-S range of Canon gear. That was early December, and
shooting around townwith the 15-45mm kit lens was enough to convince me
the change was probably permanent… here’s a selection of what I got from
that cheap kit lens, which has now found a new owner in Leeds.

only notes around that lens. It’s okay! I loved having such a wide
angle to play with on a kit lens, and 45mm at the long end wasn’t as
short as I thought - the whole package roughly equating to a 24-70 range
at full frame… just without the fixed aperture and awesome sharpness
afforded by my Canon glass. It is feather-light, so if ultimate image
quality is not too high on the list for now, then there’s lots there to
learn with; but of course no aperture ring, or rugged good Fuji looks :)

very much still learning the Fuji mechanisms, but having dialled in
Area AF with eye detect, I’m really well impressed with the results. I’m
going to use this blog to talk about my gear, and the results I get….
hopefully the 3 people that stumble across me will find it useful or

To see my old Canon works, my website is www.lukefonfara.com - this blog is completely self funded, and I am in no way getting any kick backs from Fuji, or Canon - of course!

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